Thursday, October 20, 2005


As mentioned in Ajaxian, AMASS(Ajax MAssive Storage System) allows Ajax application to store potentially large amount of persistent data in local machine. By using a SharedObject in a hidden Flash, AMASS can store local data without user intervention for data size smaller than 100k. For larger amount of data, the system will prompt for user approval. I think this is one step closer for Ajax application to perform similar things as locally installed application.

In current stage, the main issue is it only works in Windows. It has not been tested in Linux platform, and it doesn't work in Mac :<.

1 comment:

Brad Neuberg said...

It doesn't currently work on the Mac/Firefox, but I believe that it should be possible to do so. If you have a Mac and have worked with Flash to JavaScript communication before I encourage you to give a try at fixing that part.